The Check Submission Queue Object

Check Submission Queue Object Field Descriptions

The Check Submission Queue Object

The Check Submission Queue object is utilized when Checks must either be transmitted to the Payment Gateway or when checks whose status is in "Pending Deposit" must be queried against the Payment Gateway for deposit updates.

The Queue's main purpose is to reduce/eliminate Salesforce-related callout, DML, and SOQL errors/limits. It acts as an intermediary between the Payment Gateway and the Check Object updating fields/records with a set threshold limit.

The Check Submission Que Object Fields

Field LabelTypeDescription
API ResponseText (255)The API Response provided on submission of a Check or the query of the Status of a Check within the Payment Gateway.
Check IDLookup (Check)Identifies the Check which is being transmitted or queried to/from the Payment Gateway.
Check StatusText (50)The Status returned by the Payment Gateway upon Query of Status.
Check Submission Queue NameText (80)Unique Name of the Check Item within the Queue.
Check Submission StatusText (50)The Status returned by the Payment Gateway upon submission of the Check item.
Created ByLookup (User)Salesforce User ID used in the creation of the Check Submission Queue Record.
Customer Account IDText (50)Unique ID returned by the Payment Gateway.
Customer IDText (50)Unique ID returned by the Payment Gateway.
Deposit DateDateThe Deposit Date returned by the Payment Gateway upon Query of Status, occurring only once the item has been deposited.
Deposit IDText (50)The File ID returned by the Payment Gateway upon Query of Status, occurring only once the item has been deposited.
Error Message ExtendedLong Text Area (32768)All Error Messages which occurred upon submission including, but not limited to Salesforce DML, SOQL, Limits, etc.
Last Modified ByLookup (User)Salesforce User ID used in the modification of the Check Submission Queue Record.
OwnerLookup (User, Group)Salesforce User ID assigned as owner of the Check Submission Queue Record.
Payment Status ValidationCheckboxIndicates whether this submission queue record was created to determine the status (true) or the check or to submit the check item to the Payment Gateway (false).
StatusText (50)The Status of the Check as returned by the Payment Gateway.
Transaction IDText (50)A unique ID assigned to the Check returned by the Payment Gateway.

Next Steps

With an understanding of the Check Submission Queue object, Salesforce Administrators and Developers should now attempt to understand the workflows which are invoked for Check Transmission, Status Queries, and Check Returned. For detailed workflow diagrams, please see the next section, labeled Check Transmission, Status Updates & Returns.