Client Account Configuration

Configuring One or More Client Accounts

Creating Client Account Record(s)

By generating and configuring the Payology Lite App's Client Accounts, the Salesforce Administrator can determine which financial bank accounts will be used for deposit. Each Client Account is configured within the Payment Gateway as a unique path to a corresponding client financial institution and bank account.

Generating a Client Account Record

To begin the Client Account record creation process, the Salesforce Administrator must first navigate to the Client Account navigation item. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Click the Apps menu on the top left-side corner of the screen.
  2. In the search field type and click on "Client Accounts".

Once the Salesforce Administrator has arrived on the Client Accounts list view, there are two options.

  1. Automating the creation of the Client Account(s).
  2. Manually creating each Client Account.

To Automate the creation of the Client Account record(s), the Salesforce Administrator must simply click on the "Refresh Client Accounts" button. Please note, prior to clicking on this button, the Administrator must ensure:

  1. The Key Access and Key Content fields in Payment Settings have valid values.
  2. The Client Accounts have been created and accessible in the Payment Gateway. Please check with your Account Manager for confirmation.

Upon creation, the Salesforce Administrator should update the records by clicking on the record(s) created and setting the Nickname and Default field values. A description of these fields can be found below.

Although it's not advisable, a Salesforce Administrator can create each Client Account manually. To do so, once on the Client Account list view, please click the "New" button on the top right-hand side of the object window and fill all applicable fields found below.

Field LabelTypeDescription
Refresh Client AccountsButtonWhen clicked, this button triggers a query of the Payment Gateway creating or updating Client Accounts in the Salesforce instance.
ActiveCheckboxUsed to determine whether the Client Account is Active and utilized in the transmission of check items to the clients financial institution.
C21 Account IDText(10)Unique Account ID created and supplied by the Payment Gateway.
Check Cut Off TimeTimeThis field will determine at which time the clients financial institution will cut-off for same-day posting. It will also be used to determine at which time the Payology Lite App will query the Payment Gateway for Check Record transaction status updates (i.e. Pending Deposit transitions to Deposited).
Check Deposit Bank Account IDText(10)Unique Deposit Bank Account ID created and supplied by the Payment Gateway.
Client Account Relationship IDText(50)Unique Client Account Relationship ID created and supplied by the Payment Gateway.
Client_Account NameText(80)Name of Client Account within the Payment Gateway.
Company NameText(128)Name of Company which owns this Client Account within the Payment Gateway.
Created ByLookup(User)Salesforce User who created the Client Account record.
DefaultCheckboxClients who utilize multiple depository accounts to collect check items can use this field to declare which account will be marked "Default". By marking the account "Default", Check records created with a NULL (Blank) value for Client Account will be transmitted/deposited using the "default" account.
Last Modified ByLookup(User)Salesforce User who last modified the Client Account record.
NicknameText(50)Nickname client assigns to the Record to ease identification within Salesforce.
OwnerLookup(User,Group)Salesforce User who "owns" the Payment Settings record.

Next Steps

With the configuration of Payology Lite now complete, its important for Salesforce Developers, Administrators and Users alike to become familiar with the Payology Lite Data Mode. For detailed information related to the data model, specifically Batch, Check, Check Allocation and the Check Submission Queue, please see the next section, labeled The Data Model.