Check and Remittance Advice Configuration
Licensing, Hardware Configuration, Locale Settings, and Remittance Item Settings
Configuring Check and Remittance Advice Functions
The initial step of the configuration process begins by enabling the functions necessary to scan checks and remittance items. Some of these functions include duplexing, grayscale image capture, endorsement printing, MICR or barcode scanning, double feed detection, etc.
To complete the first step of the configuration process, we must:
- Navigate to the App Launcher
- Type and Click on "Payology Check Scanning"
- Click "Payology Check Configurations"
- Click "Check and Coupon Config"
- Configure all options and functions using the below table as your guide
- Clicking the "Save" button
The Check and Coupon Config
The Check and Coupon Config consists of the following options:
Option Name | Description |
License Number | This field contains the license number provided by the team. The license number is required in order to use the scanning functions. |
Enable Endorser | Clients using check scanners that have built-in printers can activate the Enable Endorser option. When active, all checks and corresponding documents scanned within Salesforce will be endorsed with a time and date. *Clients who prefer to change the content of endorsements can contact the team for available options. |
Australian Check | The Payology Check Scanning App supports two types of check formats; US formatted checks and Australian formatted checks. When active, all checks scanned will be parsed and mapped according to the MICR specification of the country of Australia. |
Grayscale Check | Check and Remittance documents can be scanned in bitonal and grayscale format. The grayscale format is most commonly recommended only when remittance advice (coupons) are configured and barcode scanning required. Please speak with your Account Manager to determine whether this function should be made active. |
Disable Double Feed Check Detection | This field is especially important when utilizing used check scanning devices. In many instances, used devices have double-feed sensors which fail and cause feeding errors. The team recommends disabling the use of the feeding sensors by activating this option. |
Enable Duplex Scanning | By default, the Payology Check Scanning App scans and stores the rear image of every check. However, the scanning of corresponding remittance items and/or documents stores only the front image. Clients who require both the front and rear images of corresponding items to be saved must activate this function. *Salesforce storage usage will be increased when this function is enabled. |
Rotate Documents | Clients utilizing the SmartSource Adaptive scanner for 8 1/2 x 11 scanning of documents can choose to rotate the documents clockwise or counterclockwise by default. This will streamline the viewing of documents within the check scanning UI, avoiding the need to manually rotate items. If not using the SmartSource scanner, please mark this field "None". |
Coupon Configuration | Clients who utilize remittance items (i.e. mail pieces, stubs, coupons, etc.) in their scanning processes and would like to take advantage of Payology's streamlining functions must mark this option as active (on). If scanning solely checks and/or corresponding documents, please leave this option disabled. |
Use MICR Line Format to Read a Coupon | The Payology Check Scanning App supports two types of remittance item streamlining options: barcode or MICR/OCR line. Clients whose remittance items consist of barcodes should ensure this field remains unchecked. Otherwise, if using MICR/OCR lines, please activate (check) this option. |
Number of Barcodes to Read | Clients who have multiple barcodes within a remittance item must provide the number of barcodes to be expected. This, in combination with Barcode Length and Type, allows the Payology Check Scanning App to detect the correct barcode to execute its streamlining functions. |
Barcode Length Rule | Most commonly used with the Number of Barcodes to Read field, this field allows the Payology App to further detect which of the multiple barcodes it will use. The value within this field should be equal to the number of characters the remittance barcode will always be. |
Barcode Type | The Payology Check Scanning App supports all 2-D barcodes. The selection of the barcode types is used to make the barcode detection process more efficient, searching only for barcodes within the remittance item which match the criteria selected. |
Barcode Symbol Split | Clients who require the capture of multiple values within the barcode to streamline their scanning process must determine which character separator will be used. The team recommends using the "#" symbol. For example, organizations, especially non-profits may have Donor ID, Solicitation ID, and Fund/GAU on remittance item barcodes. The barcode, using the example above may read as follows "D21344#S40937#G3092", with the # being the separating character. |
Important Notes
The Payology Check Scanning App supports barcode location detection. This function allows for barcodes at any location within the remittance item to be detected and extracted. It is for this reason that the team recommends the use of barcodes on remittance items, shying away from OCR/MICR line reading.
Streamlining Check and Coupon Config Promotion to UAT or Production
To streamline the promotion of the configuration settings from Sandbox to UAT or Production, each step of the configuration process includes an "Upload" and "Download" button. When clicking the "Download" button, a JSON file will be provided to the user. This JSON file can then be uploaded in UAT or Production environments by clicking on the configuration step and selecting the "Upload" button, choosing the downloaded file as the final step. Please ensure you are uploading and downloading the correct JSON file for each step of the configuration process.
Next Steps
To continue the configuration process, Salesforce Administrators must configure the check scanning grid. For detailed information on the configuration of the grid, please see the next section, labeled Check Scanning UI Configuration.
Updated about 4 years ago