The Check Verification Responses Object

Check Verification Response Object Field Descriptions

The Check Verification Responses Object

The Check Verification Responses Object is primarily utilized by the Check Verification App to determine the risk level of the results provided by the Check Verification Gateway. The object is prepopulated on installation with the default risk levels. However, clients may choose to change the risk level of each result based on business requirements.

The Check Verification Responses Fields

Field LabelTypeDescription
CodeTextThe code returned by the Check Verification provider (i.e. Forewarn, ATM/NCN, etc.).
DescriptionTextDetailed description of the result being returned on submission.
ResultTextThe result returned by the Check Verification provider. The result values are limited to positive, negative, and unknown.
Risk LevelPicklistUsed to assign the risk level for each of the possible responses returned by the Check Verification Gateway. Possible picklist choices include:
Low Risk
Medium Risk
High Risk

Next Steps

With an understanding of the Check Verification Responses object, Salesforce Administrators and Developers should continue on the path, next focusing on the Verification object. For detailed information related to the Verification object, please see the next section, labeled The Verification Object.