# Payology Mobile Check Capture Data Model

The Payology Mobile Check Capture Solution has only two Object Scopes:

  1. Check Capture Submission Object

  2. CheckForce API Custom Setting (see section labeled [Custom Settings Configuration](πŸ”—ο»Ώ) for more info).

The fields within the Check Capture Submission Object are as follows:

FieldField TypeDescription
Check Capture Submission NameAuto NumberSalesforce Record Name
Record IDLookupSalesforce Record ID
API Account NumberText (Encrypted)Account Number extracted from Check by OCR.
API Account Number SHA512TextHASH'd Account Number extracted from Check by OCR.
API AmountCurrencyAmount of check extracted by OCR.
API Check NumberTextCheck Number extracted from Check by OCR.
API MICR LineText (Encrypted)MICR line extracted from Check by OCR.
API Routing NumberTextRouting Number extracted from Check by OCR.
AccountLookupSalesforce Account ID used to relate and Account to the Check Capture Submission Record.
Account NumberText (Encrypted)User entered/confirmed Account Number.
Account Number SHA512TextUser entered/confirmed Account Number HASH'd.
AmountCurrencyUser entered/confirmed Amount of Check.
Check NumberTextUser entered/confirmed Check Number.
ContactLookupSalesforce Contact ID used to relate and Contact to the Check Capture Submission Record.
Error ReportLong Text AreasField used to store errors received on submissions.
Expected AmountCurrencyAmount derived from URL or API indicating the expected amount of check (i.e. Shopping Cart Amount must equal Amount).
Hash IdTextHASH'd Record ID
MICR LineText (Encrypted)Confirmed/Updated MICR line based on User entered/confirmed values.
OCR StatusPicklistIndicative of whether the rear check image was validated for an endorsement.
Processing StatusPicklistIndicative of the status of the Check Capture Submission record.
Routing NumberTextUser entered/confirmed Routing Number.
Submission CountNumberNumber of Check Capture submission attempts.
URLDataURLURL String captured on Redirect or via API.
Usability EndorsementCheckboxIf Endorsement Validation is Enabled, this field can be used to determine whether the rear check image has been endorsed.
User Data ConfirmedCheckboxIndicates that the User Entered Data matches the OCR extracted data.
User IDLookupSalesforce User ID used to relate and User to the Check Capture Submission Record.
API Amount Confidence RatioTextConfidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Check amount.
API Date on CheckTextOCR Captured Date on Check
API MICR Line Confidence RatioTextConfidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured MICR line.
CityTextOCR Captured City of Payer of Check.
Created ByLookupSalesforce User ID used in the creation of the Check Capture Submission Record.
Date on Check Confidence RatioTextConfidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Date.
Front of Check Processing timeTextTime in which it took the image processor to respond on submission of front check image.
Last Modified ByLookupSalesforce User ID used in the modification of the Check Capture Submission Record.
Name 1 Confidence RatioTextConfidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Name 1.
Name 2 Confidence RatioTextConfidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Name 2.
OwnerLookupSalesforce User ID assigned as owner of the Check Capture Submission Record.
Payer Name 1TextOCR Captured Payer Name on Check.
Payer Name 2TextOCR Captured Payer Name 2 on Check.
Payer PhoneTextOCR Captured Phone Number on Check.
Payer PO BoxTextOCR Captured PO Box on Check.
Payer StateTextOCR Captured State on Check.
Payer StreetTextOCR Captured Street on Check.
Payer ZIP CodeTextOCR Captured Zip Code on Check.
PO Box Confidence RatioTextConfidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured PO Box.
Rear of Check Processing timeTextTime in which it took the image processor to respond on submission of rear check image.
Temporary IdTextTemporary ID provided by Image Processor on submission of Front Check Image. Used in submission of Rear Check Image for cropping purposes.
Usability Courtesy AmountCheckboxIndicative of whether Courtesy Amount is present on Check.
Usability DateCheckboxIndicative of whether Date is present on Check.
Usability Integrity TestCheckboxIndicative of whether the Check has passed Integrity Testing.
Usability Legal AmountCheckboxIndicative of whether Legal Amount is present on Check.
Usability Micr LineCheckboxIndicative of whether the MICR line is present on Check.
Usability PayeeCheckboxIndicative of whether the Payee is present on Check.
Usability Payor Name and AddressCheckboxIndicative of whether Payer Name and Address is present on Check.
Usability SignatureCheckboxIndicative of whether the signature is present on Check