# Payology Mobile Check Capture Data Model
The Payology Mobile Check Capture Solution has only two Object Scopes:
Check Capture Submission Object
CheckForce API Custom Setting (see section labeled [Custom Settings Configuration](πο»Ώ) for more info).
The fields within the Check Capture Submission Object are as follows:
Field | Field Type | Description |
Check Capture Submission Name | Auto Number | Salesforce Record Name |
Record ID | Lookup | Salesforce Record ID |
API Account Number | Text (Encrypted) | Account Number extracted from Check by OCR. |
API Account Number SHA512 | Text | HASH'd Account Number extracted from Check by OCR. |
API Amount | Currency | Amount of check extracted by OCR. |
API Check Number | Text | Check Number extracted from Check by OCR. |
API MICR Line | Text (Encrypted) | MICR line extracted from Check by OCR. |
API Routing Number | Text | Routing Number extracted from Check by OCR. |
Account | Lookup | Salesforce Account ID used to relate and Account to the Check Capture Submission Record. |
Account Number | Text (Encrypted) | User entered/confirmed Account Number. |
Account Number SHA512 | Text | User entered/confirmed Account Number HASH'd. |
Amount | Currency | User entered/confirmed Amount of Check. |
Check Number | Text | User entered/confirmed Check Number. |
Contact | Lookup | Salesforce Contact ID used to relate and Contact to the Check Capture Submission Record. |
Error Report | Long Text Areas | Field used to store errors received on submissions. |
Expected Amount | Currency | Amount derived from URL or API indicating the expected amount of check (i.e. Shopping Cart Amount must equal Amount). |
Hash Id | Text | HASH'd Record ID |
MICR Line | Text (Encrypted) | Confirmed/Updated MICR line based on User entered/confirmed values. |
OCR Status | Picklist | Indicative of whether the rear check image was validated for an endorsement. |
Processing Status | Picklist | Indicative of the status of the Check Capture Submission record. |
Routing Number | Text | User entered/confirmed Routing Number. |
Submission Count | Number | Number of Check Capture submission attempts. |
URLData | URL | URL String captured on Redirect or via API. |
Usability Endorsement | Checkbox | If Endorsement Validation is Enabled, this field can be used to determine whether the rear check image has been endorsed. |
User Data Confirmed | Checkbox | Indicates that the User Entered Data matches the OCR extracted data. |
User ID | Lookup | Salesforce User ID used to relate and User to the Check Capture Submission Record. |
API Amount Confidence Ratio | Text | Confidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Check amount. |
API Date on Check | Text | OCR Captured Date on Check |
API MICR Line Confidence Ratio | Text | Confidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured MICR line. |
City | Text | OCR Captured City of Payer of Check. |
Created By | Lookup | Salesforce User ID used in the creation of the Check Capture Submission Record. |
Date on Check Confidence Ratio | Text | Confidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Date. |
Front of Check Processing time | Text | Time in which it took the image processor to respond on submission of front check image. |
Last Modified By | Lookup | Salesforce User ID used in the modification of the Check Capture Submission Record. |
Name 1 Confidence Ratio | Text | Confidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Name 1. |
Name 2 Confidence Ratio | Text | Confidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured Name 2. |
Owner | Lookup | Salesforce User ID assigned as owner of the Check Capture Submission Record. |
Payer Name 1 | Text | OCR Captured Payer Name on Check. |
Payer Name 2 | Text | OCR Captured Payer Name 2 on Check. |
Payer Phone | Text | OCR Captured Phone Number on Check. |
Payer PO Box | Text | OCR Captured PO Box on Check. |
Payer State | Text | OCR Captured State on Check. |
Payer Street | Text | OCR Captured Street on Check. |
Payer ZIP Code | Text | OCR Captured Zip Code on Check. |
PO Box Confidence Ratio | Text | Confidence Ratio between 0 and 1000 of the OCR captured PO Box. |
Rear of Check Processing time | Text | Time in which it took the image processor to respond on submission of rear check image. |
Temporary Id | Text | Temporary ID provided by Image Processor on submission of Front Check Image. Used in submission of Rear Check Image for cropping purposes. |
Usability Courtesy Amount | Checkbox | Indicative of whether Courtesy Amount is present on Check. |
Usability Date | Checkbox | Indicative of whether Date is present on Check. |
Usability Integrity Test | Checkbox | Indicative of whether the Check has passed Integrity Testing. |
Usability Legal Amount | Checkbox | Indicative of whether Legal Amount is present on Check. |
Usability Micr Line | Checkbox | Indicative of whether the MICR line is present on Check. |
Usability Payee | Checkbox | Indicative of whether the Payee is present on Check. |
Usability Payor Name and Address | Checkbox | Indicative of whether Payer Name and Address is present on Check. |
Usability Signature | Checkbox | Indicative of whether the signature is present on Check |